Intro to Nx
Nx is a powerful open-source build system that provides tools and techniques for enhancing developer productivity, optimizing CI performance, and maintaining code quality. Find out more about why you should use Nx.
If instead you want to jump right into it, run the following command. It will guide you through the setup:
npx create-nx-workspace
You can use Nx to quickly scaffold a new standalone project or even an entire monorepo. It can be incrementally adopted and will grow with your project as it scales.
Start a New Monorepo
Its modular architecture lets you adopt Nx for package-based monorepos in combination with NPM, Yarn or PNPM, or create a fully integrated monorepo using Nx plugins. Learn more with the tutorials below.
Start a New Standalone Project
Nx works well not just for monorepos. Nx plugins help you scaffold new standalone projects with pre-configured tooling and modularize your codebase with local libraries.
Adding Nx to an Existing Project or Monorepo
If you have an existing project and want to adopt Nx or migrate to Nx just run the following command which guides you through the migration process:
npx nx@latest init
Alternatively, here are some recipes that give you more details based on the technology stack you're using: